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Old 01-15-2016, 05:48 PM
hermionesclone hermionesclone is offline
Default DADA Lesson One - You Wanna Fight

While your everyday classroom would be set up with desks, chairs and maybe even an indication as to what the lesson was going to be about, this classroom was different. The chairs were gone, the desks had vanished and the only ‘new’ thing about this class were the two boxes sitting by Professor Hirsch’s desk. One box, sealed, was sitting on the floor by the desk and the other, open and empty, was sitting on the man's desk itself.

With the desks and chairs gone, the Defence Professor has placed comfortable mats and cushions around the room. Each cushion has a small name tag on it and every inch of the floor is covered with the same mats that can be found in the Defence Training Room, if anyone has had a peek in there. If you look up at the board, you'll find out exactly what it is you're meant to do with your name tags...

Take a name tag and write down your name, house and year before sticking it on your chest.
... And no fake names, please. He'd know. He would.

Speaking of, Professor Hirsch himself can be found leaning against his desk, his arms crossed across his chest and his legs crossed at the ankles.

So come in, grab a cushion, and wait for the lesson to begin.

class progression:
- How would you defend yourself against an attack without your wand?
- Introduction of pressure points
- Mini activity: attack the pressure points on an animated dummy
- Main activity: practice getting out of holds, whether on a dummy or an actual person
- That's all, folks!

OOC: Please make sure you're familiar with Hirsch's rules as well as the SS site rules before posting. Class will continue in about 21 hours time (Saturday 16th at roughly 3-4pm GMT). Hope you have fun! ^^

OOC: Class has already started but you may still jump in if you want to! Please don't post your charrie arriving, simply pretend as though they were there the entire time.