Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN "Nothing sounds cooler than Tenacius." the boy responded in mock offense, before cracking a grin "I was named after a comedy rock band that defined the genre. You cant get any cooler than that." "So you actually went to a Muggle school. Did that feel weird?" he still felt a little odd about learning serious lessons in a classroom along with other children, and they were all Magical. "All my tutors were either Magical or Squibs." "Well my favorite football club as of the moment is Bayern Munich, but that’s because they got an excellent line-up." meaning he follows the players, not necessarily the trophies. He wasn’t fluffy like that.
But now he has turned proper fluffy. It felt really weird, feeling himself bubbling into a shape far from how he normally is. He looked at where his hands used to be-- and they were now feathery wings! "TWEEEETTTT!" he squealed excitedly, a little too loudly perhaps, Canary Cry ftw!
He flapped his wings so hard, he started to lift higher and higher. He really wanted to fly under his own power and what better opportunity than right now as a bird? But the effects poofed too soon and he flopped back on the ground like a sack of potatoes. "HAHAHAHA AWESOME!!" |