The Kisapaths | Sila!Roti | -2 | TouchableHair | ToiletPaperGuy | QueenOfConfusion It was 'on par' with Myers' singing?
That didn't sound tooooo appealing then.
Smirking slightly Maggie clicked her tongue. "Lets stick with picnics and kisses then." No singing from you, Zeke. Maybe some roses though. She did like those a lot. Hopefully he was taking notes. If not physically then at least mentally. Because like, she kind of expected roses, or at least rose petals, next time. Mhm.
When she said she liked the rose petals she hadn't meant that she liked to have them IN HER FACE!
Maggie wrinkled her nose and closed her eyes for a second. "Hey!" So needy Zeke was. The amused grin on her lips clearly suggested that she liked it, though. Before she could protest further it was apparently her turn to be fed. Heh. Her eyes still on Zeke she leaned in to take the strawberry from his fingers with her lips.
Honestly, she could get used to this. |