39. Riddikulus Third Year
Draco was scared. Absolutely terrified. Perhaps it was about the boggart that he was meant to be facing in a moment. In truth, he knew it was because everyone else would see his boggart. Everyone else would see his fear.
And he knew it already.
He knew what he was going to see.
It was something that he would never be able to live down if they saw it, he knew that much, so he’d gone as far to the back of the room as he possibly could. There was a hope in him that perhaps, if he was really lucky, he wouldn’t have to face his boggart.
He’d try it by himself at home. It wouldn’t be too hard to find one in the dark mansion. While it wasn’t inviting for most people, the boggarts definitely loved it there. When he was younger the house elves often got rid of them for him.
As it ended after Potter’s was a dementor, he sighed in relief. Draco would make fun of Potter for that, so he couldn’t imagine how people would react to his.
The figure that would’ve walked out of that closet was one all would recognise.
Lucius Malfoy. |