Originally Posted by
What was bad about it?
Ah, see Maggie didn't really know where to START there. "Everything." She deadpanned, raising her eyebrows slightly at the girl and finally setting down the books on the step above the one she was standing on. Not because they were heavy obviously but like they were in the way.
"Well, try and speak properly." Great advice, huh? Yes.
Wow. She really couldn't get more detailed than that. Like. North America. Earth?? "Do you have a ma-"
"-p then?" Maggie trailed off towards the end, only finishing the sentence as an afterthought. She wasn't really paying attention to the little girl anymore.
What WAS that??
Her eyes went back and forth between the marble and the direction where she thought the laughter had come from. Was someone throwing marbles at them?? HAD SOMEONE LOST THEIR MARBLES? Eventually she looked back to the little girl on the banister. "Did you see where that marble came from?" Because if someone HAD tossed it at them on purpose she had some hexing to do.
Originally Posted by
A Curious Porcelain Doll
What was that sound?
It was like a marble rolling down from a distance. Followed by a distant laugh.
Where did it come from? Who knows..
If the students were to look at the right time, maybe that small red bonnet floating down from above could tell.
Everything? How helpful. NOT.
Sam refrained from scowling at the girl. "Dis is propah for me, innit?" It wasn't like she was only doing it for funsies to wind the girl up. "Maybe yeh should be moah op'nminded wat propah is," she said pointedly. "Or yeh could teach me." If she was that offended, maybe she'd help fix it.
Sam didn't catch what she was being questioned about having, as she too had heard the noise, and glanced around for its source. It was like something rolling down the stairs, but she couldn't see what...or who had sent it down towards them and laughed, for that matter. "Nah. Just sumone messin' wiff us, I s'pose."
Did Maggie have enemies? Was this why the older girl had warned her against falling earlier?