Originally Posted by
Anna Banana
Pick me, pick me!
What is your name? You.
Just so you have to say, 'Hey, you!' in your reply.
What do you want? Set!
What size do you want for them? I'd like the siggy to be 450 in width. All the other sizes are just whatever works.
What images do you want on them? Can you make sure the word "seventeen" [magazine title on some of the pics] doesn't get in the graphics, please?
Kate's pics!
What do you want your graphics to say? Nothing on the avvy and just Kate Addison on the other two.
Any colors you want or don't want? For some reason, I always get a LOT of pink graphics. lol Can I either not get pink or have pink really, really rarely used?
How are you feeling today? I'm tired. It's almost midnight. BUT I'M GOOD. How are you, Jenn?
I'm no longer playing this charrie, so please cancel my request! Thank you!