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Old 01-11-2016, 04:19 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Lislchen View Post
What was UP with that 'ain't I?'? Like was she supposed to answer that? Or was it a rhetorical thing?

This child was very confusing.

"You should change it." The accent that is. "Yours sounds really......bad." Which was definitely still a very NICE way of putting it. There were other adjectives she could've used but she'd decided against it.

How noble of her, right?

Now the next words that came out of the girl's mouth left Maggie blinking at her again. What? "What?" What? Did she seriously just ask her where California was? THE California. She felt like she'd just been personally insulted by the little girl. "West Coast." And then because she was pretty sure she would just ask her 'of what', Maggie added, "Of the United States of America." Did she need a continent too?
"Wat's bad 'bout it? 'n change it 'ow, 'xactly?" Sam asked curiously. She wasn't totally against learning how to speak better - she already planned to seek help with her writing - but she'd only do it for the right reasons.

Just saying it was bad wasn't very helpful now, was it?

And yes, she HAD asked where California was. Some people were luckier than others in their travel habits, and going to Hogwarts was literally the furthest Sam had ever been. Just crossing the Thames was a long way in Sam's mind. "Could ya show me on a map or sumfing?"

Just because she didn't know about it already, didn't mean she wasn't eager to learn.
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