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Old 01-11-2016, 02:32 PM   #192 (permalink)

Join Date: Aug 2009
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Dragon Geisha/Toni-Toni Chopper/Master of Chocobos Alpha Goddess/ Darth Devious /Davvy's twinneh

SPOILER!!: Henric
Originally Posted by Symphora View Post
Henric glanced behind ever so often to make sure llia was alright. He was worried if she couldn't go on any further. He reached down for her hand and pulled her up."Yeah...I feel really squished now...urgh..." He winced, feeling uncomfortable now that his whole body stuck in between two walls. But they were going to get out of here soon enough!

He quickly swung open the door on top of him once he had unlocked it and climbed up. Merlin...he felt like mission impossible going through the narrow space. What were they training for? Nevermind that now, Henric noticed the boxes with wings flying above them. Wait... they had to catch one of them?! How...troublesome. He wondered if he could use Infinite Incantatum or immobulus to stop them all. "Girls, I think we need to climb up using the gloves and shoes they've provided." They weren't afraid of heights right?

Henric holding her hand somewhat pulled her world back together, though she still had that itching sensation like she had spider hair on her.....He felt squished, that was only the half of it. Although Henric was bigger than her, so it was probably a lot harder.

Henric went up and through , hopefully into what she presumed to be a bigger space. She thought it would have to be given what the instructions said. He called to them and she decided it was time to climb.

SPOILER!!: Bella
Originally Posted by Lady Marmalade View Post

Bella looked up when she heard her name and recognized the girl from the train who helped her catch Jewel. She nodded to confirm she had said the right name unable to bring herself to speak at the moment. She wished that she could just think of this as just a test, but why did it have to be small spaces. It was the one thing she was unable to put on a brave face for and push her way through, but maybe with their help she would be able to make it. “O-okay,” She replied shakily, forcing her arms and legs to move, praying Ilia was right and the room above them was definitely better.

At this point, she was a little worried that she wouldn’t be able to do the spell, but when Ilia did the spell for her she was very much relieved. “Thanks!”

Please be roomier. Please be roomier. Please be roomier.

It was the only thing going to her mind as she made her way up.

She looked over to make sure Bella was some form of okay and saw that her way was open. Okay, good. "Up we go then." She pushed her door open and climbed up next to Henric. A little more space, thank Odin! She straightened her clothes and smiled a him, a little more color returned to her face. She looked at the gloves and shoes then nodded. "I think you are right. Lets get to it." She liked climbing, this was already a hundred times better.
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