Text Cut: Airey <3
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"Nonsense," he chuckled, a dismissive hand wave being tossed at her while he tended to his tea pot by filling it with water produced from his wand. With another wave, the pot was charmed to heat itself and he turned to grab his stash of tea from the shelf above his desk for Miss Hanover to select her brew of choice. "As cliché as it may come across, it is my duty as your Head of House to make time. No bother at all."
Pushing the selection of tea toward her, the astronomer settled into his set. Oh oops...how had that... As discretely as possible, Airey removed the Spock action figure from his desk and tucked it safely in his topmost desk drawer. "Considerably," he nodded with a bashful smile. "Quite the eventful start of term but, it is as they often say - never a dull moment at Hogwarts!"
Smiling happily at the waving hand that was being pushed in her direction as he busied himself making tea, Marsha got comfortable in the chair she had chosen. Might as well attempt to make the chair as comfortable as it could be as she might be here a little while. Not into the hours - but maybe half an hour? Who knew really… it would depend how Professor Airey took to her news… and everyone knew that news could potentially be dangerous for her Head of Houses’s nerves
and heart.
Looking into the box she leafed through a few flavours, completely missing him moving the figurine of Spock, before finding an apple & cinnamon blend.
”Can I have this one please?” She asked Admiral Airey as she looked back up at him with a smile as she lifted the packet from the large box of tea… how amazing was that by the way?
”Well… either way, I appreciate the time you give us.” Another smile was aimed at the man in front of her and she nodded as she said her piece.
The short Welsh girl couldn’t help but laugh at that.
”No… That’s true, there never is a dull moment at Hogwarts.” Anyone who said there was, didn’t realise that in that split second, something was probably brewing… and she wasn’t talking about tea.