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Old 01-11-2016, 07:21 AM   #7 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Originally Posted by Felixir View Post
That was the question, wasn't it? Daxton could not say for sure whether he minded or not, and it took him a good while to work out the matter in his head. While he did not exactly want company, he did not feel very strongly the other way, either. She might alleviate his boredom, too; not necessarily by being good company, but by giving Daxton the opportunity to observe her.

Or, if she got annoying, he could kick her off the statue. That would be entertaining, even amusing.

So again, Daxton shrugged as a means of telling her he did not care, but made no move to budge out of the way. If Dora wanted to climb the statue, she would have to work around him.

But hold up. Those dungbombs were a huge nope. Daxton suddenly held his hand up to stop the Gryffindor before she could move, pointed to the dungbombs, and shook his head emphatically. None of that, not if she wanted to join him (and not end up unceremoniously shoved off of the statue). Dungbombs were disgusting and, being so sensitive to smells just like he was sensitive to everything else, just the hint of one made Daxton want to heave. They had enough odours around this castle with all the animals and teenagers living there, and now that putrid old Divination teacher too. There were plenty of other ways for them to torment people from up here. He would even allow Gryffindoring.

But no dung bombs. Not on Daxton's statue.

Because it was his now, by the way.
Dora smiled ever so slightly when he shrugged that she could join him... because she definitely interpreted that shrug as a CLEAR invitation. But what... wait... No? No dungbombs? Cool. Giving Daxton a small shrug of her own she shoved them back into her bag. No big deal. She could throw them at that stupid first year she had decided to loathe.

Now. Hmmmm. Dora walked around the base of the statue observing the best way to climb up... and she did take note of Daxton being barefoot... had that made it easier? Kicking her shoes off she immediately shoved them into her bag and nodded to herself. Statue climbing was GOING TO HAPPEN NOW. With the grace and speed of a monkey, Dora scrambled up the statue and settled in beside the boy after a few movements and adjustments. HA!

Seeeeee?! She was very proud of herself and her obviously awesome climbing skills. Yep. "I like it up here, " she said softly so as not to offend her statue sitting partner's sensitive ears. "Are you having a nice term so far? "
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