SPOILER!!: Zeke! <3
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It was an interesting concept though, the whole water-soluable tattoo thing. It wasn't something he'd choose for himself, but it was a neat idea. He watched as she continued to splash water on it, the colours vibrant at the waters touch.
Feeling her turn to him, Zeke smiled, his eyes locking on hers though she still didn't quite meet his.
"What's wrong with them?" he repeated, wondering where that had come from. He'd said they were nice, not that they were NOT nice. Was her hearing okay? "Nothing, they're nice... didn't think you were the flowers type though," he supposed that might have been the answer she was looking for. "It is nice though, pretty." Yeah? Better?
He was terrible at these things... sigh.
But as for why she would want them animated, wasn't that obvious? "It'd look neat, like they were blowing in a breeze or something," he suggested. "My mum's is animated, but hers travels around, it's a phoenix." And come to think of it, she would probably kill him for divulging that information.
Nice. It was the right word. There was
nothing wrong with it. Normally she would have exclaimed and agreed and gushed over them. Except, that she wasn't. In fact, the mention of her not being flowers type had her brow knitting together into tight knots.
No, she supposed she wasn't really. She liked them, but she'd never been particularly flowery herself. But, wasn't that what girls were supposed to be? To like? Another few splashes over her legs. She did like them, but something was bothering her and she couldn't put her finger on it.
"Thank...........you." He was being nice. Complimenting them when he thought they were a waste of money.
Her eyes went back to him when he explained the idea of animation. Though, it perhaps didn't have quite the effect that he had intended. Instead of her face lighting up with the possibilities, it fell. Rather abruptly. Tattoos that blew in the breeze? While his
MOTHER had a
Hopefully, her expression explained how awesome she thought that was. Because it was
SUPER awesome. A grand idea. An idea that......why hadn't she thought of it?
She'd chosen flowers. She could have picked dragons or birds that turned into fire or a patronus or any number of awesome, magical things.
Nope. Flowers.
Amur splashed them a bit more, suddenly discontent. All of a sudden, Zeke's abs
DID seem like the better thing to look at.
"Your mum sounds pretty awesome." A woman that got that kind of tattoo was just naturally awesome, and had Amur's respect.
She splashed the water over her legs again, suddenly not wanting to talk about this.
"Should we swim?"
Yup. Totally ignoring the hinging fact that Zeke didn't have a shirt and that was STILL a point of pure confusion for her. They were at the water, he'd taken the effort to change. They might as well make use of it.