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What even...?
Maggie blinked a few times, seriously trying VERY hard to understand this girl. So far she'd gotten most of it from like context and the few words she did understand. "Can't you speak properly?" Like, in a way people actually UNDERSTOOD her too? What was it with all these weird accents around here.
"My accent's nice." Maggie pointed out. Not that the girl had questioned that. HOPEFULLY. "I'm from California." Which, as per her own definition, made her accent nice.
Sam blinked right back at the girl. What sort of question was that? "I'm speakin prop'ah, ain't I?" she replied with a frown. "S'wut I grew up wiff." Not like she could help where she'd grown up, or who with.
Plenty of other people she'd met here hadn't had a problem with it.
"S'not bad, I s'pose," she commented on the girl's own accent. It was different to hers, but Sam didn't feel the need to be RUDE about it. "Cal-ee-fore-na?" she tried to imitate. Seemed she was doing a lot of that lately with trying to learn names of both people and spells. "Where's dat den?"
Geography outside of London really wasn't her strong point. In it, however, she was an EXPERT at shortcuts. For the record.