SPOILER!!: Rachel ❤ ♥❤ Flower Power!
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"Hadleigh Denaker, you let go of me this instant!" Of course this was as futile as Sebastian trying to keep Ariel away from human things. Rachel tried to tug her arm free but Haddie had a rather strong grip on her and so she found herself being pulled towards the Forest.
"If Mr Kitridge gets wind of this,'' she began, thinking of her Head of House and how disappointed he would be but was cut short by Haddie's reminder of her promise. "I did but I didn't mean going into the Forbidden Forest.'' The dark haired girl tried to dig her feet in the ground to hamper the progress but it was of no use. "There are acromantulas in here.'' She stared around nervously as though expecting to see one. Thank goodness Mason wasn't here. Mason enjoyed teasing her about her arachnophobia.
"Plants? That's your argument, Haddie?'' But Rachel has stopped dragging her feet. The prospect of exploring the flora and plant life was rather appealing. "I suppose it won't hurt to look around though we both know you have no interest in looking at them.''
Haddie rolled her eyes at her best friend. She was half tempted at that moment to play connect the dots with Rachel's freckles. That'd show her.
"Kitridge is a boring old man who doesn't see the benefits of good old fashion exploring. He only loves his books. But you, Rachel Skye Watson, you want to be an explorer!"
The plants got her. They always did. Haddie let go of her the brunette's arm. She was hooked now. Rachel wouldn't be running. "Yep. The plants are for you. Forbidden plants. Plants you'll probably never get to see anywhere else. You know why?" She was behind Rachel now, hands on the girl's shoulders, leading her from behind into the forest. "They're forbidden. I'm just here to protect you from the scary spiders." She stuck her tongue at the back of Rachel's head.