*sappysapper* MAJNOO, YO! Quote:
Originally Posted by RachieRu "We are not crazy...." Gracie mused, shaking her head. She was really excited about being an auror. It seemed really cool. All the best people were aurors. Or so Gracie thought anyway. "You're the crazy one." She teased, poking his side. She didn't care if the job was dangerous. She liked the look of it, and was excited. She just had to get through the year.
"Yup. It is" Gracie mused with a nod. It had taken her a while but she had finally decided it was what she wanted to do. "I talked to one of Hayley's relations over the summer, and visited the auror offices. It's really cool.... I'm excited..." "No, Gracie. You are definitely crazy" He looked at her with a pointed look and a grin. Feeling that poke, Noel pretended how it HURT a lot. "HEY" He rubbed his side. "Your king-kong fingers can injure me, so please" He poked his tongue out, and grinned.
Turning to watch his steps as they walked, Noel nodded. "Legend Chosen?" He asked, looking at her. Benzi had talked to him too when he was obsessing over Auror stuff. "Well .. I hope it's as exciting as you think it is" He said, not knowing what else he could say.
__________________  ......................let's be reckless, unaffected, running out until we're breathless ...............let's be hopeful, don't get broken, and stay caught up in the moment ♥ |