Fluttery Pegasi Yeah, not according to her parents. According to them, she never knew when to keep her mouth shut. And the Sorting Hat was a moron in Haddie's opinion. But before Haddie could tell Kitridge either of those things, he continued and she went back to scourgifying food where ever she saw it as she listened.
But-but they were cleaning the books weren't they? Magically? Wasn't there spells that could repair any damage they'd taken? "I'm sorry," she told Kitridge, about the books. She meant that. Believe it or not, the girl did have her own, unique, ethical code. She did want to ask about why he couldn't just fix the books with magic. She'd seen it do so much already, why was that beyond its capabilities? But thought better of it, and put a bit more distance between Kitridge and herself and went back to scourgifying food off shelves.
Last edited by Callie; 01-09-2016 at 09:51 PM.