not throwing away my shot | Slytherpuff | roll for initiative | woof you ❤
Olly peered out at the boxes. He was at the same height as them now, so he should be able to grab one. What had the instructions said to do? He couldn't remember all of it, except for the part that accio would not work so they shouldn't even try. But he ignored it and tried anyway, because there was no harm in trying, right? So Olly took out his wand from where he had stowed it in the pocket of his robes and pointed at one of the boxes. "Accio." And of course nothing happened. Olly just shrugged and put his wand away. He would have to do things the old fashioned way.
He reached out with one hand. The box nearest him fluttered away just out of his reach. Olly frowned at the box that seemed to be deliberately avoiding him. He retracted his arm and waited for a moment, until another one floated within arms reach. He flung his arm out again, but again the box moved away. This one darted away so quickly there was no question that it was avoiding him on purpose. Olly glared at it. What was its problem? And how was he supposed to get one to come toward him?