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Old 01-09-2016, 09:02 AM   #23 (permalink)
Nordic Witch

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Join Date: Sep 2005
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Rose Snakebark
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
JT Forsfelle
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ariadne Rose
Third Year

Ministry Department Head:
Violet Fawley
Ecological Protection
Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede!

SPOILER!!: Haddie & Kitty
Originally Posted by Callie View Post
Haddie sighed, and gave Mr. Kitridge a frank and flat stare. She turned her attention to a spot of pudding. "Scourgify!" For the head of the smart house Mr. Kitridge sure had a way of twisting meaning around.
"Fun," she muttered. "Not funny. Fun. There's a difference." Not that it was going to do much good, Haddie believed. Most adults when they couldn't punish the person responsible, were quite happy to punish another in their place. And Haddie never was able to keep her mouth shut. She'd probably been here as much as she had the responsible party. "Scourgify!"
Was it even worth trying to explain that she didn't find the destruction of the books or anything else for that matter funny or fun, even while she found Peeves and the excitement of dueling with him to be both? Would she even be able to express that accurately enough to Mr. Kitridge? Probably not. Haddie shrugged instead. "I can't help what I find fun, Mr. Kitridge. No more than anyone else can. Scourgify!"
She waited to hear what her punishment for today would be, and continued to clean with the spell Mr. Kitridge had shown them.
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog View Post
"Yes sir" A small rush of happiness came over Kitty as Kitridge complimented her. She pointed her wand at the soup on the floor nearest them, which was now mixed with the water she had accidentally spilled when trying to escape Peeves. "Scourgify! Scourgify! Scourgify!" She did it in the pattern of an expanding circle, so that the floor nearest them was cleaned first. The circle ended where the floor met the book shelves.
In the meantime she listened to Kitridge lecture Haddie and Haddie respond, secretly admiring Haddie's defiance - but at the same time hoping that she didn't get punished any more. When at last the floor was clean she pointed her wand at the damaged books and began there next.

He expected understanding.He expected an apology. He even expected a show of compassion and respect for the books and his plain and visible hurting. What Leo got from Haddie was sass and rudeness. Why had the sorting hat placed this girl in his house? To torment him? Merlins socks if that was the case then he had now gotten the memo in full and a blasting headache to show for it to match all his bent up anger and stress.

Closing his eyes and breathing in and out to try and calm himself because like those who knew him best Leo only had major meltdowns if it concerned his BOOKs or family. It wasn't until several minutes later that Leo addressed Haddie again his tone short and to the point as he eyed the 11 year old girl. "You are right you can't help what you find 'fun' Hadley, but you can do a million times better job at using your inborn intelligence and wits that made the sorting hat put you in Ravenclaw house last night to know when it's better to keep your mouth shut." He paused to rub at his temples. The headache raging in his head was not to be played with.

"This library and the books in it I love as much as the woman I spend my life with. When these precious tomes of knowledge get defiled, defaced or in this case food splashed all over them then it's like a sharp stab of hurt against my heart and I take that very, very seriously. I expect all students and colleagues to if not understand at least be considerate of my feelings and not make things worse." Leo finished off. Did Haddie get it now? She was hurting his feelings. Haddie owed him a heartfelt apology. Could she give him one or earn herself detention?

Casting cleaning spells left and right he was pleased that Kitty was doing her part at least and not trying to interject in his lecturing of Haddie.

SPOILER!!: Esme & Olivia
Originally Posted by Squishy View Post
The young girl seemed confused for a second, but it seemed that she had worked whatever the problem was out. Good.
Esme bit her lip and looked into the next aisle of the bookshelves. About to mention the Bloody Baron, she let out a sigh of relief when the poltergeist decided to pop out of sight. "Crisis averted!" That had been pretty close and she hadn't wanted to talk to the Baron because he made her feel a little anxious. It was the ghost blood.
"I guess we should help them clean up." Oh joy.
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline View Post
“Mr. Kittridge…” Olivia said as she came to the group. “Is there anything we can do to help?” The first year asking, not aware her companion might not want to, nor prefer not to be included in the ‘we’. Or even if she followed along. Looking around, she hoped that perhaps there was something she didn’t have to depend on her magic for…the Ravenclaw didn’t want to make matters with the books worse.

As he heard footsteps Leo prayed that it wasn't someone with more bad news or the urge to make the current situation worse. Luckily though it was just Olivia and a badger's name he couldn't place that wanted to offer their assistance with clean up. Smiling at them even if he had to dig deep for it he said "Hi Olivia and Olivia's friend that i don't think I've had the pleasure of meeting before? I'd be grateful if you two could clean up any and all food in the book trolleys over there and then move to cleaning the food from off the shelves. If you find books that are drenched in food then please bring them to me."
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