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Why DID the fifth floor smell so musty? Davie knew there was a prefect's bathroom on this floor, so what he didn't understand was why the bubble-bath scent of their bathroom couldn't permeate this entire floor? Lost in thoughts as he walked through the hall, he ALMOST passed through the Grey Lady. But he didn't. He caught himself just in time, and executed a little swerve toward the nearby statue, as though he had fully intended to detour there and give it a good look all along.
"Hello, Ms. Ravenclaw," he greeted her kindly. "How are you? How was your summer in the castle?" The ghosts stayed here during break, didn't they? He hadn't seen any when he was a kid and had visited his mum, but he also knew they couldn't just LEAVE their haunting spot. Maybe they had ghost parties and did ghost things while no students were here. Maybe Ms. Ravenclaw had ghostly tales to tell him. Maybe.
Helena was trying to pin point what caused the smell and where the musty smell came from when young David Truebridge almost walked straight through her. Luckily for him though he manage to swerve to the side just in the neck of time. Keeping himself from the unpleasant experience of an ice cold shower.
Smiling faintly Helena greeted
"Hello young David," floating a few meters away from the statue she responded
"I'm good, had a pleasant summer in the castle. I read some nice transfiguration texts. How was your summer David? Is your mother still as into fashion as she was when she was here at Hogwarts?"
Floating closer to David she asked curiously.
"Do you have a lady friend that you really like?" If he did maybe he could help Helena understand Sir Nicholas actions.