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Old 01-07-2016, 11:25 PM   #7 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by keepmeclose22 View Post
Austin sat down eagerly. He didn't get many chances these days to talk potions. And to talk with the new potions teacher, just boosted his spirits even more. And he wanted to know about what potion he made? This was chalking up to be a really great day. "Well, it's called the 'Dreamless Sleep' potion. I mainly made it to help with Nightmares. It's supposed to remove them, so one could get a good night's rest. The only downside is that it also takes away dreams." He originally made it to help with the nightmares that followed after his mother's death.

"I never leave the common room without them."Reaching into his messenger bag, that was still slung around his shoulder, he pulled out two notebooks. One had every page filled out with recipes from his first three years. It had everything from the Trust Me potion from his first year to his Dreamless Sleep potion. But no pages had been ripped out. Austin knew better. Important information could have been on a thrown away page, and he wasn't about to lose anything. The second book was similar to the other, but was a lot newer. He had rewritten the recipe for his own potion in the front, but it included spells from last year.

"I ran out of room in my first book, so I had to get a second one." He placed them both on the desk. "I think the most interesting thing I've encountered is in the Mutatio Animalia." A potion that had turned him into a wolf last term. "After adding the boomslang skin, and stirring one has to wait. Which is normal. But a copper takes longer to wait than a Pewter one. Which is strange because normally it's the other way around." Curiouser and Curiouser.
Dreamless sleep Potion! Art raised his eyebrows, leaning in a little more. He listened to Austin explain the potion, "That sounds like quite an accomplishment," he said, very impressed. "H-how long did it take you to-to uhh to complete it?" Creating potions was up there on Art's list of favourite things to do.

Art was secondly impressed with the notebooks Austin pulled out. Full of everything related to Potions. Art picked up the first one, the one which had been full of notes, and carefully flipped through it. He didn't read it, because it could have been personal to this young man, but he enjoyed looking at each page, full of writing, and all about Potions. He set it back down. "They're very good. I always find a notebook to-to write notes in is very handy." Art did it sometimes too! It was key to remembering things.

"Mutatio Animalia, I've-I've never made that one before." He listened to Austin describing it, and let out a slight chuckle at his last comment. "Yes... yes, sometimes the things we think are true end up being quite the opposite."

Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi View Post
Yoongi waited and watched as the Professor pulled out another mug and began making the tea. Out of all the hot beverages, tea was probably his favourite. “Oh, nothing Sir. I don’t like sugar very much” he usually gave away his candy as well. He was probably the only teenager in the world who did that….

When he thanked him for welcoming him, the Head Boy waved his hand. “It’s no problem, Professor Newton” he said. So far, the Professor seemed okay , maybe he could ask his question. But first he was distracted by the fact that this would be his first time teaching Potions. “It is?” he asked with a surprised tone before he frowned. “Wait, Chemistry….why do I know that…” He thought, trying to remember why it sounded so familiar. And then it hit him. “Muggle magic fire!” he suddenly shouted, probably scaring the man but hopefully not. “Sorry, I mean, I had a conversation with the Defence against the dark arts Professor last year about Chemistry ….” He frowned again as he thought , biting his lower lip as he tried to remember. “Oh! Something about shyentist or something… Were you a shyentist at school?” he asked, mispronouncing the word scientist.

“Since you worked in a muggle school, does that mean you’re muggle born as well Sir?” he asked curiously. Or was he just fascinated by muggles?

As the topic of the feast began, Yoongi sighed loudly and nodded his head. He got the general sense of the term comment. “He has, the Professor kept us Prefects up later than anyone else” Apparently he had been accused of threatening Blaise with a wand. Which was not true. “And we had a meeting in the morning again but then with the whole House” he thought it had went well.

“My name?” Yoongi repeated. “Oh right! I’m Yoongi Hyland, nice to meet you Sir” he beamed. “If it’s no trouble, I was wondering if I could ask a question about Potions?....well it's more a request actually...”
Art nodded and handed the Head Boy his cup of tea. He would easily remember that. Tea, nothing in it. Unlike other people who liked three quarters of a teaspoon of sugar, a drop of milk, and stirred seven times, clockwise.

Art listened as the young man spoke about what he knew about Chemistry. AND THEN A SHOUT! Art flinched slightly at the loud noise, but then let out a chuckle, realising that all was well, the young man merely seemed excited about something. Ahh... "Muggle magic fire?" he asked, "I'm not sure what that is." It sounded interesting though. And the words chemistry and science from within the Hogwarts Castle made him quite happy. "You... do you mean scientist?" he asked. What was a shyentist? Oh dear, he hoped the boy didn't have a speech impediment, otherwise he would have felt awful at corecting the young man. "I was, yes, Chemistry is-is-is a,a branch of science. My parents were scientists. My mother was a neurobiologist, and my father was a physisist," he said. But surely those words were mumbo jumbo to the young man. He nodded happily, "Yes, I'm a muggle born. My brothers are as well." He had had a very muggle upbringing, and still lived like a muggle, only using magic sparingly.

With the loud sigh, Art grabbed the teapot and topped up the young man's cup. He nodded when he said that Airey Flamsteed had spoken to his house. He wasn't about to give any discipline or words of warning to the young man. It wasn't his place. Rather, he would open his ears to listen if he wished to speak of it. "And... and everything got cleaned up?" he asked.

"Yoongi Highland. N-nice to meet you too, young man," Art said with a nod. He'd remember Yoongi's name.He was good with names. Sometimes. "Oooohhh, oh right, yes-yes of course! Ask away, ask away."

always on the move
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