Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB Sweet Solstice! (heh) He was being handed the roasting stick! What an honor! David traded Pebbles off for the stick and bag of 'shallows, and settled back into his seat as best as he could with his backpack still on. Oops, had he forgotten to take that off? Oh well. He was so used to it by now, he didn't even notice it. Maybe THAT was how turtles felt about their shells. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, YES, yes, that WAS how turtles felt about their shells, and THAT must have been the answer to the bronze knocker's riddle from last term! A backpack! NOW he got it! Duhhhhhhhh. Heh. Funny.
Smirking to himself at his own thoughts, David stuck a few (read: 10) marshmallows onto the end of the poker. He was very careful not to stick himself in the process, and then he began to gently rotate them over the fire. Patience was key when roasting marshmallows, and David pretty much had allllllllll the time in the world. The backpack, though, didn't. It actually WAS being a bit of a hindrance now, straining at his back as it were, and trying to pull him back into his seat even though he was wanting to lean forward toward the fireplace.
"What's the name of the film?" he continued their conversation curiously as he carried on with the ambitious roasting. "So he's a bit like a Muggle giant, only made out of sugar?" Fascinating, those Muggles. Very creative. Much wow. "What's he do?" He probably had some magical powers, right? And probably was allergic to fire, much like these 'shallows, two of which at the bottom were getting too toasty? No no no, he could do a better roasting job than that!
David leaned forward again to try to get the marshmallows at a better angle, but his backpack was simply not having it. The weight of the stuffed pack combined with the restraints of the padded straps multiplied by the strain of David's weight and taken to the nth power of the lure of the fire equaled a bit of a disaster in the making. As the backpack's straps finally snapped, David began to fall face-first into the fireplace. BUT OH NO, FIRE, NOT TODAY! This second-year wasn't new to flames, and with wide eyes, he let go of the marshmallow poker so that he could avert his fall with his hands. He was (oddly) a success, and merely tumbled out of his chair and onto the floor, completely unharmed and free of his seated backpack.
However, remember the roasting stick with no fewer than ten now-flaming marshmallows on it? Yes, that one. It was headed straight for Draper's door, where it collided with solid, resounding thud, one so strong it could easily be mistaken for a knock.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________  __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind |