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Marsha couldn’t wait to meet Echo again, they had so much to catch up on from over Summer… but she was running early after Lunch so she decided to go to the Creature Housing to fill in the time before they were due to meet. Unfortunately, creatures and Sha and a short time frame don’t mix well and the next thing the Welshgirl knew, it was fifteen minutes after she was supposed to be with Echo.
With a start, she had quickly finished up (just as well she was almost done cleaning out the stable) and put everything away so that she didn’t leave a mess behind her. Then, after she quietly closed the door so she didn’t freak any of them out, she RAN across the grounds. Sprinting across to the pathways where she had arranged to meet the Slytherin. When she got there, she was pink cheeked and grinning like a maniac. Nothing like hard work, creatures and a run to get your blood pumping.
”Echo, hi!” She said, jumping a few times on the spot to cool her muscles down slowly. ”I’m so sorry, I went to see some of the animals and ended up cleaning out some of the stalls and got completely distracted.” Sighing, she gave her friend an apologetic look and hoped that the fourth year wasn’t too mad at her.
Echo was so into her book she didn't hear all the leaves and wind rustle when Sha came running up. Hearing her speak though confirmed that it was her.
"oh heyy!!!" she placed down her book and jumped up to hug her friend but she was doing some sort of jumping jack thing. so she waited for her to stop to hug her.
"its okay!! maybe we can head over there later and play with the animals" ohh her relaxing day was just getting better.
"omg okay so come and sit and tell me about your summer?" she wanted all the dirt. about boys and things shes done over the summer. ahhh she just wanted to know everything!!!!