The Kisapaths | Sila!Roti | -2 | TouchableHair | ToiletPaperGuy | QueenOfConfusion Maggie watched Zeke with an easy smile on her lips. This really WAS pretty cool. It was really quiet here too. Or at least she couldn't hear any of the other students she'd passed on the way down here. And it was outside too. So Maggie definitely approved. A LOT. "Thank you." She took the glass and sipped on the water for a moment. It was good. Like, it wasn't just regular water. It had a distinct flavor. Honestly, had he come up with all this by himself? Or had he asked for help? Seeing as he'd confirmed the former a few seconds ago, she would have to believe him. For now. Maybe she would find out more in the course of this day, though.
Her eyes fell on the fruit platter when he pulled it towards them but she was distracted again by him pointing out the flowers next to her. "Aww, thank you." Maggie picked them up, then put them on her lap. They weren't ROSES but like, they totally went with the whole outdoor picnic theme. So, very cute, Zeke.
Eventually reaching over to take one of the strawberries off the platter, Maggie leaned in and held it out for him to eat. "My favorite things?" She echoed, considering his words. "Like food or...?" In general? |