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Old 01-07-2016, 06:26 AM   #12 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Bikini Bottom
Posts: 21,185

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Roman Gellar
First Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Arden Toros
Sixth Year
x4 x1
A Poop * k8 *

Originally Posted by SarcasticStrawberry View Post
Katerina just beamed. She liked her name. It was okay enough. Not something terrible like Millicent or Alfreda. "Thanks. I like it too. I like that I have a name with a built in nickname." It did come in handy. Kat nodded. Tea was great. "Tea would be lovely. I do love a good tea party?" Did that mean they could have a tea party? Maybe they could have their tea party out in the gardens. The funny thing was the professor was like a big kid, so Kat was convinced that she could get Paul to have a tea party in the garden with her.

She nodded. Great! She felt like that if she wasn't interrupting she was more likely to get what she wanted. Especially with adults. "Great! I...I was wondering if there was somethings I could do to help out around the greenhouse?" She would probably around the greenhouses a lot so she may as well do something productive while she was here.

Paul thought her commentary was just delightful. He found himself chuckling away. "All right! I'll be sure to make enough for the both of us, then, no problem at all!" His blue-grey eyes wandered to his dog, who was napping as of right now. Dogs looked so peaceful when asleep, especially Charles. "I do enjoy tea parties myself. I have them with my little nieces and a few nephews all the time."

The tea finished, and Paul quickly poured them both a cup. He added his cream and sugar, and then carried all of that stuff to his desk for Kat. "Add whatever you like, m'dear!" and he plopped down behind his desk.

Ahhh. She wanted to help out! Wasn't that so sweet! "Well, sure! Absolutely! Although..since you're a first year...I'd really only want you in Greenhouses 1 or 2...but there's plenty! You can go in there whenever, Kat! There should be a list of things up in each Greenhouse about how you can help...I think. And if not...I should get on that!" He pulled open a drawer, lifted a notebook out of it, and flipped to a clean page. A second later his teacup was set down with a tiny clink and he was dipping his quill in his ink pot, scribbling a notice that he needed to check about that.

"So...I assume you really like Herbology, then? Since you want to help out?"

SPOILER!!: Dottie
Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
Oh, tea? That gave her something to hold, although she was already holding something, and it gave her something to do, but it also meant she might dump the whole scalding cup on herself. It would burn her, but worse, it would stain her skirt.

"Hm. Yes, please. Thank you. And you didn't say if I could pet your dog?" Although said dog was looking at her now, so Dot stooped carefully and gave him a friendly scratch behind the ears. He seemed to like that.

It was nice of the professor to answer all her questions at once, and she rose to take a seat as he spoke. "That's disgusting, sir. Those are the sorts of things adults are meant to keep to themselves. But I'm very happy for you if those discoveries made your life better." As for the gift, Dot carefully unfolded her handkerchief to reveal a smattering of seeds. Not a very exciting one, except... "Umbrella flower seeds, sir. I harvested them from a friend's greenhouse."

The telling could wait.

Pouring Dot some tea, Paul sat behind his desk, pushed a teacup towards her, and sipped at his own, sighing in satisfaction. Ahh. Hit the spot, that did. "Yes yes, pet away. Charles Fluffington is sweet. He doesn't bite."

Dogs were so great. Paul wasn't sure what why anyone would ever want a cat. Milton wanted a cat. Paul hated cats. The rift was there. BUT BUT BUT Milton enjoyed the dogs, too, so Paul felt that his partner could NOT complain about the pet situation, no NO. "Are you a cat or dog person, Dot? Answer wisely."

There was only one correct answer.

"They have indeed. And I was only trying to answer your questions honestly! Doesn't our society value honesty?" Though he wasn't in the mood today to be philosophical. Plus, he had mixed feelings on the topic of honesty, anyways.


He leaned over, eyeing the seeds with wide eyes, a smiling appearing on his face once more. "Oh, Dot! They're wonderful! Little baby umbrella flowers! Oh oh! If I could snuggle them, I would!" he pressed a hand to his heart in a dramatic fashion. "Those are for me?"

SPOILER!!: Kaycee
Originally Posted by LilFox06 View Post
You were lucky, chair. Because Kaycee was about to show you who was boss. Probably. Or she'd get tired and just sit in it. Either way, it was bound to be a brand new odd experience.

But instead, she was called into the office. Sweet. She picked up the box and headed in to the office. "You have weird chairs. They kind of look like flowers." She made her way over to the desk. At least in here looked moderately normal. Wicker wasn't exactly comfortable.

"I brought you a magical plant." she said setting a box on the desk. "I'm pretty sure you've seen nothing like it."

Why? Because it grew. AS A BEARD!

Paul snorted in laughter. "Well, Miss Richards, that's because they are flowers." He was snickering away, now. He loved those chairs; they were FLOWERS! He just HAD to have them!

He sat back down in his chair with a groan because these bones were getting old over here, people. "A plant..I've never seen before?" he squinted at it. had a BOARD! "is that...a gnome?" He asked, pulling the plant towards him and poking the grassy part with his finger. "How did you get this to grow a BEARD, Kaycee?" he asked, squinting. "I didn't know you had a attraction to growing things!"

Originally Posted by WeasleyGirl View Post
It seemed that Myers was busy or sleeping or not in his office 'cause he didn't answered iimmediately BUT that didn't meant Hugo was going to leave because the magazine was interesting enough, at least the pictures because some of the information that was in it he didn't understand.

He didn't have to wait that loooong. A dog appeared and it was pretty excited "Heeey" he looked down and petted it. He loved dogs, they were the best pets. And then Myers came in "What's up, Professor?" and followed him into the office.

Hugo took a seat and snapped his fingers at the dog. "Why didn't you bring your dog last term?"

Charles was VERY excited to see the boy..he nudged his hand and circled him, his doggie tail furiously wagging. "He seems to like you, Hugo," Paul smirked and took a sip of his water. "We were just out for a walk. Hope you haven't been waiting long!" he smiled.

"What's up? Chicken butt, Hugo." It was a running joke with them, wasn't it? To not answer Hugo's "what's up?" question correctly?

He glanced at Charles, who was settling a little bit now. The dog was still trying to nudge Hugo into petting him more, but he wasn't as sniff-crazy and bouncy. "I wasn't sure if he would be welcome...but I got..." he wondered how honest to be..."I felt I needed him with me this term, so I asked...and yes." It had all worked out nicely.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."

Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin

Last edited by kayquilz; 01-07-2016 at 07:03 AM.
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