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Paul was headed inside from taking Charles on a walk. The enormous
dog bounded inside, seeing the boy before Paul did. Charles immediately began to sniff the boy, pawing at him and being generally excited. He barked happily and ran for the door.
"Wooooa...okay boy, calm down, Charles---" he grinned and let go of the leash, letting the dog scratch at his door.
"Hello, Hugo! It's love to see you, m'boy!" he nodded.
"Sorry, Charles is...very hyper today. It's why I took him for a walk." Dog was a LOT of work...but poor Milton had the other three at home! So!
"Come in, come in--" he slipped into his office.
OOC: You can post in the office now! It seemed that Myers was busy or sleeping or not in his office 'cause he didn't answered iimmediately BUT that didn't meant Hugo was going to leave because the magazine was interesting enough, at least the pictures because some of the information that was in it he didn't understand.
He didn't have to wait that loooong. A dog appeared and it was pretty excited "
Heeey" he looked down and petted it. He loved dogs, they were the best pets. And then Myers came in "
What's up, Professor?" and followed him into the office.
Hugo took a seat and snapped his fingers at the dog. "
Why didn't you bring your dog last term?"