Text Cut: Oliver
Originally Posted by
Olly laughed as both girls toppled in after him. He heard the firstie wondering about whether or not they were real just before they found out for themselves. They felt weird, like not completely fake but he could tell they weren't real either. He snatched up the one Hady had thrown at him and draped it over his shoulders just like she had done. He was a snake whisperer now.
"I'm pretty good," he said in response to Hady's question. "And you? Have a good summer?" The typical back-to-school questions and all that. They were fine, but not exactly the most exciting. Olly dove into the sea of snakes for a moment before resurfacing closer to the first year.
"Nice to meet you Altha," he said with a grin. "How was your sorting? Were you nervous? Did you have any expectations?"
Text Cut: Hady
Originally Posted by
SpiritWolfe Malfoy
Hazel eyes were no doubt scanning the snake pit for another moving about. Those snakes looked incredibly real and if one or two of them were moving about she wouldn't want to smush them! Her focus was diverted away for a moment when she was joined by a younger snake at her side. Oliver. "Hey Olly, how are you?" Typical start of a conversation question really. She glanced at him and then to the other side of him when she noticed one of the new firsties there (Altha). Honestly she hadn't caught the girls name at the feast but she knew she would soon enough.
"I'm Hady welcome to the best house," she offered a small smirk and a playful wink. They were the best house though no doubt about it. Ah Altha was the girls name. She'd have to remember that one. Before the girl got a chance to say another she felt her arm being taken by Oliver earning the second year boy a curious look from her. What wa-
There was no time to brace herself or even scream. One moment she was talking to her fellow house mates and the next she found herself being pulled down into the snake pit. Rather then get angry or upset at the kid Hady simply laughed as she pushed herself upwards through the rubber snakes laughing quietly. Picking up two snakes she gently tossed it at Oliver with a small grin, the other snake she draped around her neck. It reminded her of her snake back home only much smaller and much more lightly. Now ere was their Head of House she wanted to ask her something...
The ball pit was wriggling with fake snakes. Altha pushed through with her feet, listening to the other two speak. She could still feel a sly grin glued to her face, a result of the effects of the fake snakes, and Hady's comment on Slytherin being the best house. She was starting to feel better about her sorting already. Thinking of the sorting...
Oliver had now inched closer to Altha, posing more than one question about her sorting. The grin fell from her face slowly as she contemplated how to answer the questions. The Slytherins that she had met so far didn't seem like 'doubtful snakes'. It almost felt like all of them were so sure of their house, and yet here was Altha. A girl who'd been completely caught off guard by her sorting.
"Nervous?" she laughed. She could be totally honest with this question.
"I can't say I was, no." Now the gears were turning, and she made the decision to continue her total honesty.
"I didn't think I'd be sorted into Slytherin," her eyes fell to the ball pit, and she became immediately aware of it. Picking her eyes back up, she focused directly on Oliver's eyes.
"I never thought about being sorted anywhere aside from Gryffindor, because my entire family comes from Gryffindor," she shrugged, trying her best to keep her usual calm manner.
With the desire to sway the topic from her sorting, Altha raised her voice a little to be sure Hady could hear her.
"So you two clearly aren't first years. What years are you in?"