Originally Posted by
StarShine [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]...but then her eyes fell on another (first year?) girl who had addressed her. Time out?!?!?! Her? EW, NEVER.
"No!" she quickly said, terrified of the idea. She had NEVER had time out, tyvm. And she never intended to. "I'm coming," she said, and did come and join the group in the centre of the room and got her ticket from Thornton.
Well, what was she doing standing in a corner then? Julia huffed a little, but at least the look on the girl’s face seemed to suggest, maybe, that she wasn’t a food-throwing hooligan like some of their roommates.
Text Cut: Speech!
Originally Posted by
Nordic Witch Deciding that it was high time to start Leo stood up from his chair and went to stand next to the raffle wheel as he beamed out at the assembled students. "Welcome everyone to a new glorious year of education here at Hogwarts school of Withcraft and Wizardry!" Eyes drifting over the faces of the many first year eagles in the room Leo continued "For those of you who don't know me I'm Leobald Kitridge head of Ravenclaw, School Librarian and I also serve as one of two Gobstones advisors. You should all come down and watch and play when the house matches are being held!" Enough advertising.
Gesturing to Thornton, Penelope and TiaMarie in turn Leo spoke on. It was best to keep talking when he had everyone's attention. "This year's student house leaders/prefects and head girl are Thornton Baines, Penelope Wright and TiaMarie Mancini! I expect you all to respect and listen to them and follow their lead. They are my extended arm when I'm not in the common room, so if you have a problem or a conflict you can't sort out please seek one of them out before things get too out of hand." Here Leo paused to let his eyes drift around the many student faces lingering a little longer on Haddie.
Getting excited now his serious tone turning more upbeat and happy he leaned towards the raffle wheel as he spoke. "Now I've bet your all dying to know about the raffle and what you all have won! After we finished in second place in the house point race last year a great team effort I' might add, I wanted to give you all something nice that will give you all the encouragement, drive and motivation you need to make Ravenclaw end this year on top of the house point race in first place."
Giving the raffle wheel a spin he said as he moved to lift up the heavy chest in his arms. "Everyone has won a prize tonight. There are no blank tickets!" Holding up the chest so that everyone got a good look at the treasure Leo said with excitement bubbling in his voice. "In this chest is a large assortment of eagle goodies like, stuffed eagle toys, eagle scarves, caps, gloves, book marks, diaries, quills, novels and even some fun games like exploding snap and a new chess set. Everyone needs to step up here in an ordered line as I open the chest and pick out their prize by sticking their hand into the chest without peeking and drawing something out. Alisa, would you please come up here and get your prize first? Everyone else form a line after Alisa!" He hoped that Thornton, Penelope and Tia would see to it that there was no shoving or evil tricks to get ahead of the line as he unlocked the chest and opened it to look down at the navy cape hiding the chests content.
Text Cut: Speech!
Originally Posted by
Nordic Witch HAPPENING RIGHT NOW: When the head of house opened the lock to the chest it was the signal to the things waiting inside the chest to start acting. Before anyone could do anything the chest started to shake uncontrollably in the adults hands and make squeaking sounds and then next second a whole horde of furry pugmy puffs, puffskeins and ferretts in multiple colours tumbled out of the chest attacking every student in close proximity with their claws and teeth, one ferret even jumped up to attack the Head of House's nose. Watch out EAGLES! These furry creatures are NOT happy and they our out for BLOOD!
OOC: We are under attack by a horde of furry creatures! Try to defend yourself and leash and cage the fur balls without harming them too much. Work together! Do not, I repeat do not go overboard with this and use unnecessarily strong spells, these are all pretty harmless creatures. Have fun! Wrestle a furry creature, have your character get a few scratches from the attack. If you all show house spirit and work together you may just get to keep a furry creature for your character.
They all won a prize? Just for being in Ravenclaw? Julia wiggled closer to the box, eager to see what exactly was in…
Julia backpedalled from the
explosion of fur from the chest, for a moment not seeing anything but fluffy coloured
things. Three of the big, pompom-shaped ones (puffskeins) came flying towards her, one pink, one purple, one blue, and she let forth a profoundly embarrassing squeal before tripping over her own feet and landing flat on her back.
There were pompoms attacking her! If a fish had arms and legs and was flopping about out of water, Julia would currently resemble it remarkably well. Then one of them
bit her! On the
…and very shortly after that, she sat up with a frown. This… this did not hurt. Not really. It was sort of like… sort of a gummy, squishy pinch. On her ear. And the other two pompoms were trying to nom on her fingers, and that
also didn’t really hurt. It wasn’t
pleasant, but…
”Nyaaaa!” Julia toppled over again, her attempts at swinging puffskein-covered hands to protect herself completely useless as the ferret launched itself at her
face. This one
did hurt, scrabbling its little claws at her like that, and she attempted to cover her face with the still-chewing puffskeins, squealing,
”Ow! Ow, ow, ow, ow!” Text Cut: Thornton to the rescue!
Originally Posted by
AmbiguouslyMe He was distracted for a moment by his thoughts, and was slow to move to the line to supervise it. And so when the furry things popped out of the chest, Thornton froze, still a few paces away. What the what? That chest was supposed to be full of toys.. not creatures!
Blinking rapidly, as all manner of things spilled out of it and raced for the eagles, Thornton was struck with the realization that the younger students would have far fewer magic resources to draw on. He tried to quickly assess the situation, though the volume in the room was rapidly rising. It was then the idea struck him, inspired by Ailsa's shouting that they were probably just scared.
Cheering charms.
Casting them at as many of the ferrets as possible, Thornton was careful not to hit any students. That should be enough to at least.. slow the frenzied creature panic and at least make them more playful, though it wouldn't necessarily make them easier to catch. More licks and cuddles than bites and scratches. Unorthodox, sure. But he hadn't been named last term's most strategic dueler for nothing.
It was then that he heard the question about where to put them... He looked to Kitridge hoping that the man might be able to conjure some cages or something. For his own part, Thornton was conjuring a handful of standard butterfly nets so that the younger students could corral them more easily.
Seeing a small pile of pygmy puffs, however, Thornton jabbed his wand and gave a quick shout of "incarcolvo!" The black netting shot from his wand and draped itself over the little pile, before it hardened into a sufficiently roomy cage. ”Ow, ow…! Ow…? Huh?” Julia peeked up at the ferret through the pink and purple puffskein furr; it was now, for whatever reason, nuzzling her cheek.
Even the puffskeins seemed to lose interest in gumming her fingers, and were just sitting to either side of her head instead—one of them on the third, which was still adamantly nomming away on her earlobe. She reached up and pulled it off her, at which pointed it hummed a little.
And then the other two puffskeins stuck their tongues up her nose.