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Old 01-06-2016, 02:48 PM   #15 (permalink)

Tom's Anime love

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Join Date: Dec 2005
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Sixth Year
Default *wanna be partners with llia :3*
Zebtle | Malfoy Minion | Chico | Jedi | Huffinator

Henric paused and looked around the room. Did he stepped into the wrong classroom again? He blinked in confusion for a moment. Nope...nope...this was definitely charms class. "Umm...helluu-WOAH!" Henric's heart almost jumped out of his chest when suddenly the room door shut close by itself! AAHRHH! WHAT TH-! THEY'RE TRAPPED??!!

His protective prefect instinct kicked in,"HEY WHAT'S GOING ON-?!" he started to yell but stopped. EH?..Wait. He recognised that voice! Professor Primeaux?! He listened carefully until the end. this was like a test? Thank goodness. Henric was about to break open that door, y'know. He calmed himself down a little before proceeding to one of the many glass cabinet available in this room. Oh, and there was his llia already starting with the charm spells! She was so quick to know what spell to use too! expected of his smart and beautiful girlfriend. "What's inside,llia?" He asked her as soon as he reached her side. Hmm...maybe he should do the same too.

He pointed with his wand and muttered the spell clearly. "Alohomora." A click was heard. He opened it and reached in to grab whatever was inside. Huh? Another box?
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