Help a firstie, someone xD ~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. Her very first lesson was a Charms lesson! Rachel was rather excited but she could always manage to keep her emotions under control or at least most of the times. She entered the room with great expectations but those expectations came crashing down when she saw the empty classroom save for some of her peers. What was going on here? Then she heard the Professor's voice giving the instructions. How lovely! A challenge of some kind.
Rachel got out her wand out as she approached a cabinet. She could do this, she could do this. She just needed to put what she had learnt at Primary school into practice. "Alohomora,'' she said confidently. Not so much of a click of the lock unlocking could be heard. "Alohomora.'' That and a few tries later and she was still failing at the task. She was not discouraged, however.
"Excuse me?'' She tried to get the attention of an older student. "Can someone please assist me?'' |