Thread: Entrance
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Old 01-06-2016, 01:36 PM   #7 (permalink)

Tom's Anime love

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Originally Posted by VRSCIKA View Post
She wasn't sure why Henric had asked to meet her here, but he had so she came. They still had not gotten much time to speak to each other without someone cutting in and interrupting , so she didn't even care where he wanted to go. As long as it was time with him it didn't really matter as far as she was concerned.

She paced slowly as she waited, thinking and studying the walls. She wasn't familiar with this section of castle, she had passed it before but not really taken any time here for it appeared plain and barren from strolling glances.
Henric smiled bright when he saw her waiting for him right in front of the secret wall. He walked towards her briskly before wrapping his arms around her in an engulfing back hug."I hope I didn't keep you waiting?" He turned her around so he could face her fully. My oh my...she was looking radiantly fine today! Henric glanced around quickly to see any professors or ghosts that might want to try and separate them two. Seeing that the line was clear, Henric boldly plant a kiss on her lips before pulling away gently. He smiled sheepishly, he couldn't help but blush a bit as well. "Sorry babe...I'm just happy to see you." He took her hands in his and entwined them tightly. "Do you know where we are right now?" Henric asked, feeling quite excited to tell her about this special room.
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