Dragon Geisha/Toni-Toni Chopper/Master of Chocobos Alpha Goddess/ Darth Devious /Davvy's twinneh Ilia had woken up this morning still unamused by the beginning of the term but she came in her clean and pressed uniform. Her hair was braided elaborately but neatly and fell down to the middle of her back. Alright, charm time. She entered the classroom to see it primarily empty and professorless.............she didn't read the time wrong right? No way she did. She looked around to see, no one but a baby eagle, a baby lion, and a baby badger in here before her......hmm. They were one of each color now...she sort of smiled to herself.
Still she entered and adjusted her satchel on her shoulder, a voice could be heard now. Perhaps a projection, enchantment, or record. Still, she listened carefully. To the board it was, she read carefully. Alright, the new glass cabinets lining the walls were far from just an oddly stacked décor fashion statement. Well, she wasn't sure if there were names assigned or if the cabinets were going to move at them.....this was a new professor and she'd been through a few nutty ones. Calmly, she walked to the nearest one and peered it over, she didn't see any particular indication of assigned cabinets. Looking back at the baby students, she just smiled. "Welcome to Hogwarts." And all of its insanity...... and odd professors and classes....She pulled out her wand and aimed it at an eye level cabinet to give this a shot. It would be easier for her than the firsties, maybe she could help. She smoothly and slowly performed the spell motion, in case any of them had the sense to watch her. "Alohomora." She spoke very clearly, attempting to set an example. Hear that click? This was what you did little ones. |