Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees Quote:
Originally Posted by Stormdancer Marsha could only nod her head as he said he was still hungry. The sandwiches they had eaten had curbed her hunger but hadn’t abated it fully… ”Maybe we could eat some of the sweets and stuff that Mam packed into my trunk for me?” Though, she knew that she shouldn’t eat so much rubbish… and if she did she would need to get up even earlier tomorrow morning to run more so that she could start fresh. No… ”Or maybe we could go down to the kitchens and ask the elves for food?” But… after the mess they made would they help them?
FIVE POINTS! YES! ”WAAAHHOOOOOO!!!!!”She called out, as she rubbed her cheek from where Lance had dunted her as he had stood up super-quick to celebrate with…. well whichever female had just gotten herself five points. ”Congratulations!” She called out, though she still didn’t move from her ball on the sofa. Flopping back on the couch, in a bit of a lighter mood now, he wiggled around until his feet were in criss cross apple sauce position. Of course, shoes were off. Shoes on furniture was rude apparently, according to his grandmother. "Do you think the elves would give us food?" he asked skeptically. "I mean, we just..."
With a wave of his hands in front of him, he bit the inside of his cheek. Would the elves make them food EVER AGAIN? Or would they be stuck with cold sandwiches for the rest of the term? How badly would they get into trouble for stealing food from another house's table?
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