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After what seemed like ages the first year was finally able to make his around the castle. He was so excited about being able to explore the castle. He actually couldn't believe it. He was here! At Hogwarts. Finally. It took his whole eleven years of life to finally get here and he was so excited that he didn't know what to do.
Brady felt as if he had already walked down this corridor about a million times, he was lost but LOOK THEY WERE SUITS OF ARMOR! Real knights! Bradson still had the dream that he was going to be a knight in shining armor one day and not a rockstar but honestly he would much rather be a rockstar! Rockstars were cool even though wearing a metal suit seemed pretty awesome too.
The badger sat down and leaned against the wall. He adjusted his guitar to his liking and he started to play in smoothly, the boy didn't know what he wanted to play so he just strummed a few chords, something would put into his brain. It was hard when he didn't have a song stuck in his head for once.
Note to self.
Never have a food fight in front of Professor Flamsteed ever again. That meeting went on for AGES. Didn't the man realise that there was a whole castle to explore?
Of course she had a whole term to explore it, but she wanted to get started right away.
Trixie had set off down the great staircase with no particular destination in mind, she just wandered along corridors looking for something interesting. She walked along the second floor and was only mildly interested by the suits of armour. Who would want to wear such a heavy outfit?
She was just about to turn the corner and head off somewhere else when she heard the strumming of a guitar. Curious, she stopped and walked towards the sound.
"What you playing?" She asked the boy with interest.
"I don't think I've heard that one before."