Bre Bear | Asherine | Whisper | Kemmy | Raeney | Madyra | Bumble Bee Not that long after he had arrived he had heard the voice of his best friend. HOLD THE PHONE! NO TACKLE? Bradson blinked for a few moments. Brady put his hand up to Kat's forehead. "Are you feeling okay?" This wasn't his Kat! The eleven year old looked around the room for his Kat but there was no such luck. "What have you done with my Kat?! Has Hogwarts changed you already?" They would always tackle each other, that was their thing but now there was no tackling.
Now he was being dragged over to the food. This was sort of like his Kat but he wasn't convinced yet. Maybe if he tackled her HIS Kat would come back. "Okay, okay." He said to her.
Not that long after him and Kat had made it over to the food or in his case dragged over tot he food an older girl (Norah) had come over and started talking to him. "Yeah, I'm Brady." Oh, the Scottish boy knew who this girl was now. She was the girl Prefect, he wasn't sure what he thought about her at the feast and he got the impression now that she really didn't want to talk to him. Brady shrugged. "Do you really want to talk to me or do you have to talk to me?" Brady wasn't very good at reading people but he did feel like her words were a little forced. "I'm sorry but the tone in your voice seems a little forced to me." He wasn't impressed by the Henric guy and now this girl as their prefect even though he didn't know the full extent of the prefect job was.
Bradson felt eyes on him. He looked up from the food and followed the eyes. Oh, this guy again. The first year rolled his eyes at Henric. Brady turned towards the older kid. "Really? I told you to stay away from me and now you're going into full stalker mode?" What was this? This older kid wasn't the police or the aurors. Honestly, Brady shouldn't have said anything but he couldn't help it. He felt as if someone was watching him. Now Brady had his proof that this Henric guy was an actual creeper.
__________________ maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive  maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise |