~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. SPOILER!!: Hady! <3 Quote:
Originally Posted by SpiritWolfe Malfoy
With the events of the feast and the Slytherin party behind her Hady choose to to wander outside and soak up some sun before lessons got underway. Having chosen to allow her cat Hagan to come along (she was was taking what the HagLady said on the train to heart) there weren't all to many places she was currently willing to go. However the playground wasn't deemed to dangerous right now as she neared closer.
From what she could see there was currently only about a handful or so of younger kids messing about. That shouldn't be to bad really just so Hagan was kept in her sights at all times. With a glance down at her furry companion and a pat of her hands against her pockets, one hand making sure her all three of her Pet Rocks were safe and the other hands making sure Adi/Bear it's head poking out from her pocket was safe as well she headed for the swings.
Hady gave the younger girl there a small smile before she sat herself down on an empty swing. Curling her hands around the chains she lightly pushed her feet or what part of them reached the ground anyhow against the dirt. Her eyes drifting to her cat a moment as she watched him lay down a few feet away curling up with his tail flopping over his face.
It was quite peaceful outside here despite all the other students playing around. Rachel enjoyed being in the company of others but she also enjoyed the solitude. It gave her time to reflect on whatever came to her young mind. Today's topic happened to be Divination and the scary old woman teaching the subject. How was she, Rachel, going to sit through hours of it?
She sighed and at the same time, became aware of an older girl joining her at the swings. Rachel returned the smile as she took in the stuffed bear's head sticking out of one of her pockets. She happened to love stuffed toys but it was the cat that caught her attention. "He's gorgeous,'' she told the girl as she admired the creature. "What's his name?'' |