Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede! Coming into the grand bookshelves are Leo stopped and put down the soap buckets on the floor. The line of book trolleys rolled in and came to stop next to right aisle of bookcases. He took a moment to bask in the glorious smells of books before Leo turned to Haddie and Kitty gesturing around him as he explained. "Around us as you can see are many barren shelves with no books on them. Your task is to help me soap clean all the shelves thoroughly with the use of the rags in soap buckets I've provided. If you come across any mothballs and spider webs you can practice using the cleaning charm with its incantation 'Scourgify!' and after that I want you to put up all the books in the trolleys on the right shelves in alphabetical order with care and respect. Do either of you have any questions?"
There was nothing like some good old cleaning to start off the day and being surrounded by books when you did it.
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