Originally Posted by
Between picking the peas off his shoulder the night before and her enthusiasm today, Julia was going to be a firstie that Thornton kept his eye on.... in a positive way.
He placed just one ticket in her hand, however. A single ticket for each student, that was the rule.
Drat. Maybe she should have been a little more bouncy in her approach or something. Still, this just meant that her
one ticket was going to be twice as special as all the other ones, right?
Wrong. Right.
Enthused by this thought, Julia gave Thornton another smile, informed him
"I'm going to put my jammies on", and hurried off.
Originally Posted by
Katherine... was still traumatised by that feast.
It began right after the Headmistress' speech. The - oh Merlin, a food fight. She HATED any and all kinds of chaos and violence - yes, she did think a food fight was violent - and to see her DREAMS' school engaged in such a childish, gross, inconsiderate and stupid activity had left her profoundly disappointed. Maybe... she should have attended Salem. They had all read about the security worries - no, breaches in Hogwarts, after all. She had spent the whole feast under the table, sobbing, afraid, in disbelief and HUNGRY. She hadn't been able to eat before, and she felt nauseous after. Her first ever feast was ruined by some stupid monkeys who thought joking with food was funny and although Ravenclaw hadn't been involved (save for that Haddie girl and someone else she couldn't catch), she didn't even want to come to this meeting, but it also sounded like she had to. Besides, she still believed in Hogwarts - especially her house. She just... had to be EXTRA careful about who was her friend.
So she shuffled into the common room and just stood in the corner. Although she was curious about those tickets, Haddie was there and being a troublemaker was contagious, so she preferred to stay where she was and watch from slightly afar.
A few minutes later, Julia reappeared in her not-silky-or-billowing-but-still-
resplendent pink and purple Puffskein pajamas. That was the word on today's calendar,
resplendent, and she'd already used it with frequency to describe the castle as she traveled through it, getting lost more than a few times and clinging to older students of any house to rescue and redirect her.
There was a big group of her year mates in one part of the room, including but not limited to the feast disruptors who'd somehow
not been drafted into cleaning up the hall, but Julia remembered her earlier (internal) rallying cry of house solidarity and instead aimed for the one standing off by herself. In a corner.
"Are you in a time out?"
Did their House Dad give time outs? If he did, maybe she shouldn't be talking to this girl; after all, in Julia's house, if the time out got disrupted it had to start
all over. Not fun.
Originally Posted by
Nordic Witch
Looking around at the so far assembled student he beamed broadly as he cleared his throat to get a moments attention from them all. "We'll wait a few more minutes to let the stragglers still at dinner join us before I'll open the commune and tell you all about the first ever eagle raffle."
A raffle? Ooh!
Julia held up the ticket in her hand with a new understanding of what it was for. Prizes! Goodies! Yay!
She waved her ticket in potentially-in-time-out girl's face,
"You should get one of these from Prefect Thornton! Go go!"