Katherine Mary Moss

Model: Kristina Pimenova basics
Name: Katherine Mary Moss
Date of Birth: 31st of August, 2077
Place of Birth: Uppingham, England
House: Ravenclaw
Heritage: Half and half
Wand: 9 1/2 inch solid Ebony with Unicorn Hair
Patronus: TBA
Boggart: TBA
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Blue
Height: 1.45 m
In general: She is slim.
All you need to know is the future.
Text Cut: History - for the curious
History: The family of Moss is an outcast branch of the Dolohov - they were banished from the 'noble' family during the First Wizarding War because of Katherine's grandfather's 'inadequate' loyalty to the Dark Lord, which is the political way of saying that they were scared to serve the Dark Lord and inferior to the pureblood family in means of magical ability. Even their surname was changed to 'Moss' - a parasitic plant. They were sent to Uppingham to live there, away from the Dolohovs. And when the Dark Lord fell, the Moss wisely kept their new surname to stay away from, essentially, Azkaban. However, this name of 'inferior' hurt them quite a lot, and they vowed to prove it to the world that they are perfectly capable . . .
Except, Katherine's dad, Paul, wasn't the brightest of his class. Shortly after graduation, he started dating a muggle girl from the town - Jane and soon enough (in 6 months, and two weeks later he said he was a wizard), they were married. Even though the family never mentioned the Dolohovs, she somehow learnt. And she is ambitious. And she vowed to show it to the world that the Moss aren't moss. Therefore, you can guess how Katherine's childhood was: she was raised as the perfect girl. The good, polite girl who always knows how to behave and what to say, who is also (thankfully!) very clever. Did you know that she started speaking full sentences when she was one year old? That her magic showed very strongly (better than her dad, presumably) at 2? And that she could read at four? Well, you know now. She is a wonderkid, no doubt, and she WILL restore the family's name quite soon.
Family: Her mother is Jane Ruth (neé: Rutlandson) and her dad is Paul John Moss. She doesn't have any kids or cousins on her dad's side. On her mum's, she has a few muggle cousins but they don't see them much.
She is successful. If you really want to know more, she is ambitious, clever, kind and polite. Moreover, she is outgoing, fun, the kind of friend everyone would want. She isn't even a perfectionist, she
is perfect.
Likes: All the lessons, success, history, acknowledgment
Dislikes: Silly, lazy or careless people; unfair criticism; people who try to steal her work, group projects
OOC: Hello everyone! My name is Deniz and... if you guys ever want to RP or just want to talk, drop me a VM/PM. I'm always open to new RPs