½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf Text Cut: Nickkkk Quote:
Originally Posted by Nearly Headless Nick Not exactly the hopeless romantic sort, Sir Nicholas nonetheless could appreciate a good teenage love story and was quite pleased that Zeke's had not come to a tragic end as he has assumed.
"I am afraid I do not know what became of her," he lamented as he turned his gaze dramatically towards one of the windows in the reading room. "I suspect she had her tusks surgically removed somehow and went on with her life." Which was just as well considering how she had slapped him across the face and screeched she never wanted to see him again. "How do you manage it with such ease? The wooing?"
He had once thought himself quite the catch, but centuries within the walls of Hogwarts and priorities being what they were had put the specter a bit out of practice. Somehow he'd always considered ghosts to be all-knowing. Like, they just knew the universe and the things in all places... so the realisation that that wasn't the case was only just sinking in. Interesting. But then tusks were mentioned for a second time, and a light-bulb moment occurred. The woman had tusks? "Oh... fascinating," he murmured, wondering WHY on earth Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington was interested in a woman with tusks.
It would hardly be conducive to snogging though, so he could understand why the man had tried to do her a favour. Pity it didn't end well.
But then his brows arched at Sir Nick's question. "Uhh... confidence," he supplied casually. "Women love it, just tell them what you want and you'll get it," he nodded, which was something he had learned along the way... the fruits of his labour, Sir Nicholas, use the advice wisely.
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