Lil' gooz | Sarangel | Junior Dweeb Norah beamed and held her hand up for a high five as she entered the greenhouse, pausing to take in the view of all the FOOOOOD before picking out a purple smock and tying it on with a messy bow. Heheheheh. This was going to be GREAT. She could feel it in her bones. Her old purple trainers already HAD paint on them from some prior adventures, but at least now they matched her smock that'd hopefully be nice and covered with paint too, by the time they were all finished. The prefect stood beside the food table and snuck a finger full of frosting from one of the cupcakes just as another firstie came in. Heh. Nobody saw that, right?
With a toooootally innocent smile, Norah wiggled her fingers at the two baby Puffs as they approached the food table TOO. Clearly it was the place to be. Henric had done a smashing job. Not that she'd expected anything less, 'cause he was a good egg. Obviously. SHE certainly would've messed something up if this had been her first official job as Prefect, but she was learning that she wasn't exactly the highest standard to compare people to. Well, she'd known that all along, but it was becoming increasingly apparent as time went on. Henric probably wasn't as good of a frosting ninja as she was, though, so at least she had that going for her. Maybe she could tell Professor Myers all about that one, if they ever had to chat The Future, or something equally horrifying. Frosting was comforting like that. "You're Brady, yeah?" As if she could've forgotten. He got a fresh start though, 'cause if she judged everybody by their behavior at the feast she'd have to keep up with a whole lot of disapproval and that just sounded exhausting. Disapproval was GROSS. Chances were a whole lot lovelier. It was simple, really. Turning to the other ickle (Kat) with a grin, she said, "I don't think I've met you, yet." She stuck a hand out (the one WITHOUT a slightly sticky finger) for a good shake. Good, good. This was good. When would they get to PAINT?
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