Austin loved times like tonight. Every year there were activities that involved his fellow 'Claws. Last year they all made food together. This year, it looked like a s'mores cookout. There was no way he was missing this. Having just come from the Great Hall (which had thankfully been fully cleaned after last night's events) he was ready for some desert. But on his way in he was stopped by Thornton. They haven't spoken much, but they were in the same year, and, thankfully, he remembered his name. "Thornton, hey! Thanks." He happily grabbed a raffle ticket, although what it was used for, he didn't know. The boy placed his ticket in his potions notebook, so it wouldn't get lost, and put it in his messenger bag. Which he promptly placed in an empty chair.
The only people he recognized were Azura and Thornton, but there were new faces sitting around the fire. After roasting his own marshmallow to burnt perfection, he said a nice "Hey there," to Azura. "Mind if I sit here?" He nodded his head to the empty spot next to her.