Marsha was excited. So excited in fact that she had run the long way around the grounds - one of the longest circuits she ran with Adi - before she had even considered going to meet Professor Draper.
The Lion wouldn’t admit it, but she was also nervous.
What if he didn’t like her? WHAT if he stopped her from seeing and helping with the Creatures? She already had a duff year behind her without a proper full time teacher… sorry Thereos - but the Welsh female didn’t think he counted as much as Thompson or as Draper would… regardless of how good Thereos HAD been.
Slowing down her run to a jog as she drew closer and closer to the barn, she eventually slowed down further to walk up to the door. First impressions and all that jazz! Pulling the door open she peeked her head into the room and smiled at the decor. It wasn’t overdone, but it was homey. Sort of reminded her of her Mam’s office in the stables at home. Being the nosey Gryffindor that she was Sha moved around the room, and while she wondered if she was too early to see the Professor, she looked around at anything and everything she could see.
Was 8am too early to talk to a Professor the first Saturday morning back to school? Hmm… She’d give him fifteen minutes and then give up and come back later.