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DORA UMBRIDGE HAD ARRIVED BACK IN HER SECOND HOOOOOME! Regardless of train ride drama or any other she was STOKED to be within the confines of the Castel and ESPECIALLY HERRRR common room. Making a beeline for the fireplace she promptly plopped down smiling wide. This was the life. This here. THIS was what she loved most aboUT Hogwarts.
Casting a glance around (finally) her eyes landed on an obvious first year in a nearby chair. Hmmmm. She might let her soak it all in before she bombarded her with conversation. Hehe. Just a minute.
She did, however, get a small smile and wave from the excited blonde in the floor.
NOW! Where were her FRIENDS? AND COULD SHE MAKE NEW ONES NOW? COULD SHE COULD SHE COULD SHE? Her previous lack of sparkle and bounce had diminished to some degree already!
Alice noticed there was another before too long and looked as the girl smiled and waved.. she didn't remember her from the feast but there were so many faces that who could honestly remember them all?
The redhead beamed and waved back, her blue eyes full of excitement about where she was right now and the possibility of making a new friend. "
Hi! I'm Alice Lupin, What's your name?" She asked the other girl as she tried not to seem
too eager. But this was it, her first real shot of making a new friend in her own house! Her own DOJO!... okay, not really a Dojo, but still.