Olathe took a seat at the Hufflepuff table she had been looking forward to getting back to Hogwarts for well... most of the break. It had been a wonderful summer which was why she couldn't wait to get back and tell her brother badger all about it face to face. But here she wasn't scanning through the tables with out much luck before remembering he no longer went to Hogwarts, with a sigh Olathe reached into the pocket of her robe for the chocolate for she had saved from the train ride. Her fingers brushed against something cool and smooth; curiously she pulled it from her pocket. The beads were slightly bulky and colored several shades of pink with a small porcelain unicorn hanging from the middle. Her cousin had teased her over break that it looked childish and silly but it was Olathe's favorite accessory and she couldn't believe that she hadn't remembered it before now. She slipped the bracelet on to her wrist. Adi might have graduated but she still thought of him as her Big Brother Badger. But now with the new term starting it was as good a time as any for new friends.
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