Originally Posted by
DJ ExpelliarMOOSE Aw Nuts! It seemed that Uncle Julien was already very mad. He wondered what of? Torrance straightened up his posture and held his head high not letting it wander to the ugly hag....okay maybe just once it did. Slight Gag.
"Sorry Uncle Julien, sir. I was just excited I guess. Don't tell Grandpa I was Rude." He nodded frantically. "I won't point at no one again." His tone was softer but still loud to try and go over the noise from the House Tables behind him. "I don't mean to shout I'm just really happy, yeah?" Can you blame him. It's the first time he's been to Hogwarts."I want to Make Gryffindor Proud. I'LL BE THE BEST LION IN THE SCHOOL!" He raised his voice intentionally this time. He was bragging, he wanted to make sure the other Professors heard his proclaimation.
"Do you like it here Uncle. It seems...." what's the word? There was a lot going on at the Table here too wasn't there. Especially the Dead guy to his Left. "...Weird...W-WITH ALL DUE!!"...QUIETER! ..."...weird with all due respect of course. That guy is Dead" Torrance pointed at the guy getting water splashed on him. Completely forgetting that he told Uncle Julien that he wouldn't point. He realized this grabbed his pointing hand and held it down in from of him.
He nodded at his nephew glad he was understanding what respect was. Now if he could get through to many of the other students. He was glad now seeing what this school had come to since he had left that his own daughter graduated without any issues. Keely was working with her mother and he was very proud. His goal now was to help bring order to this place before Juni came.
"I won't be telling your grandfather anything that goes on here. You will if need be. I am not an owl for you." He would make sure his own family were treated just as the rest.
"I am glad you are happy and excited about school. It is excited to attend one of the best wizarding schools, but we can not forget our manners while doing it." He would encourage his nephews to have fun, but he expected them to follow rules as well.
"I know you will be." He was a Primeaux even if his name didn't say it, so he knew he would give his all and do his best.
Looking around at the staff table he nodded a bit trying not to look too frazzled,
"Still adjusting, but in do time it will be alright. Order will come. Just like at home." He had three kids, four when Torrance was living with him, he could handle this, he hoped at least and it was obvious Hogwarts needed his assistance on bringing back the order of adults as much as the students.
"He's not dead Torrance, he is just passed out I'm afraid." Should he say that it was his head of house? No, he'd let him find that out later on hopefully more respectable terms for the man.