Talikins|Huffledor|Purple|Ted Velvet| |Lochnessie|Redhead|Bladger|⅓ Ferocious Trio
Nerves were evidently vivid amongst Vivie's guts, yet she felt a deja vu moment more than anything else. Most didn't have the opportunity to be sorted twice and it certainly wasn't on her life agenda. Either way her feelings were the healthy type of nerves more than those causing distress. She was ready for this, ready for a new family, surroundings and well adventure to broaden her muses.
With a somewhat solemn face, the blonde watched as the first years took their place and were guided into one of the four houses of Hogwarts. Their sorting procedure fascinated her; as did their houses. She'd read a little bit about their characteristics here and there and she'd often speak about them with others but, for the life of her, she could not diminish a single house that she felt suited her most. She had snake ambition, bravery of a lion, hard work of a badger and a small amount of raven-wits. Of course though, some of those characteristics were exceedingly more prominent than the others. 'Genevieve Marie!'
Her name was called and thus her feet began to briskly move towards the stool and the mysterious sorting hat. The blonde took her seat and within a split second later the hat sat firmly on her blonde waves.
'You are certainly quite the all rounder, aren't you?' The hat boomed into her mind. She wasn't hesitant at all, in fact, she responded quietly but sternly that she was brought up to be as such and that some of her characteristics weren't with her from birth. The hat agreed and then began further with it's thoughts. 'That is the very essence of it, you are most strong in what is natural to you and thus I will put you in... 'GRYFFINDOR!'
The red house cheered and Vivie couldn't help but respond to them with a smile. Her bravery had always been there, more than anything else. A lion then she would be, a very strong one indeed.