ΒΌ of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pls Katherine had been waiting for this moment for almost all her life - or ever since her magical abilities showed. And she'd been even getting READY for it - she knew it was just a hat, but what if the Hat asked her IQ questions to test her Ravenclaw abilities? So, of course she had got ready for that kind of a test, and as she waited in the line, her nerves were over the roof. She couldn't even ENJOY the beauty of Great Hall because Merlin, all she ever wanted was to be in Ravenclaw. She was trying to keep calm, but she was also visibly fidgeting and as the names flied, she couldn't even keep up - though she did vaguely see that Callum and Tory or whatever were both sorted into Gryffindor (Callum </3) and Sollys became Ravenclaw (GOOD!). Then the M- surnames were called out and - "Moss, Katherine Mary!"
It was her. IT WAS HER. She was frozen on the spot for a moment, before she mentally reprimanded herself and forced her legs to cooperate. She slowly walked to the stand and eyed the stool and the Hat. This was it. This was her fate. She took a deep breath and sat. She didn't even know what she should say, apart from figuring out that chanting Ravenclaw continuously would look pathetic and completely unwise. She would just have to answer any and all questions, then. The Hat was lowered on her head and she took a deep breath - "RAVENCLAW!"
Wait - what!? THIS WAS IT!!!!!!!!???????? THE HAT DIDN'T EVEN TOUCH HER HEAD WAIT - she BREATHED, wiped one single tear of relief and quickly took off the Hat. She smiled BRIGHTLY at whoever was looking at her, and quickly half-ran to the Ravenclaw table that was cheering.
R A V E N C L A W .
SHE DID IT! She felt so sheepish for getting ready for questions, but HEY - S H E D I D I T SHE WAS A R A V E N C L A W ! ! ! |