Healer Murdoch sat there like she did at an other feast, not drinking the water and not joining in on the conversations around her. Honestly, why were all her colleagues acting like they had never met? Did they so quickly forget about the staff meeting they had before term started? And what was with everyone talking to others at the opposite end of the table? Seriously people, give it a break already. Talk to the ones sitting close to you. And what the hell was with that outfit
Professor Myers was wearing? Did he grab the first thing he found in his hamper or what? And WHY did he have that ridiculous banjo with him? He better not start playing that thing. Cece did NOT want to have her hearing assaulted with that nonsense. And to think, he was made the new Head of House for those puffy ones.
Looking to her right she did make an exception to talk to one person.
"Justin, are you ready for our after feast festivities?" She wasn't sure if she was ready, but this was something she had put a lot of thought into and it was time.
Hearing a certain name called out, Cece immediately turned her attention to the sorting hat ceremony. There was only one house she wanted this child in and that house was...
Ariadne was placed in Slytherin. Cece was so happy she about jumped out of her seat to run down there and hug the girl. Of course she didn't do that just yet. She would wait until after the speech then she would make her way down to the Slytherin table. Plus she didn't want to scare the girl. It had been a few years since they had seen each other.
The smile that had appeared on her face after learning who the newest student in Slytherin was disappeared just as quickly as it appeared.
"WHAT is that SMELL?!" She blurted out as she looked right at
Professor Myers. The man really needed to take a shower
and change his clothes. Just because he was the herbology professor didn't mean he needed to smell like dragon dung, and at the dinner table of all places. Just another reason Cece wouldn't be eating anything here.
It was rather safe to say Cece was totally oblivious to the hag at the other end of the table.