This got long...oops! Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese OLIVIA. WAS. FREAKING. OUT.
Dramatically, too.
Of course, the moment she'd found her way into the Great Hall after their cozy carriage ride, the tiny blonde had ripped off Oliver's tie...and then, had turned his house robe inside out, so the Slytherin patch wouldn't be visible. Bwaha, if it wouldn't have been for Blaise and Bentley, she'd most definitely would've forgotten that one! They were terribly brilliant...Well, Blaise was. She'd just met Bentley...
...BUT HERE SHE WAS! IT. WAS. ALMOST. TIME...and she was standing in line, practically vibrating from the excitement of it all! N....M....O.... "Phillips, Olivia."
ACK! At the sound of her name, the small blonde wobbled on shaky knees; shaky because her bones were obviously just as excited as the rest of her tiny being. How so much joy, excitement, and utter mischief could be contained in such an itty person, the world would never know. Always the showman, though, Olivia waved and flailed at everyone within sight as she made her way forward. "Yes, that's me!"
Pausing to bobble a curtsy at the stool, sorting hat (which WAS especially manky), and the person calling the names, Liv all but RAN forward; jamming the hat down around her ears. Eager? Eager. Wel-
The moment the voice had first whispered across her mind, Olivia had cut right across it; her enthusiasm and...well, bossy!nature taking hold at once. Mum and daddy had BOTH told her how this worked. "Mr. Sorting hat, this is a very important moment in my life...and I NEED you to place me where I want to go. See, I've been dreaming about being in Gryffindor my whole life. My daddy was a Gryffindor, and I want to be just like him. He's kinda my hero." ...but Slyth-... "I know what you're going to say...and of course, that wouldn't be completely unfortunate. My favorite person in the entire world is a Slytherin. Phillip Romalotti, my cousin. You sorted him last term...and my mum was a Slytherin, too, yes. I think she and my dad have a bet going..."
She'd been rambling, the words pressed together in fevered utterances. It was probably a good thing that this hat could properly see into her mind, as this entire conversation might've been too blurred and mulled to be properly understood. ....Are you quite finished? "I had to make sure you knew."
Vaguely wondering if she'd offended the hat, which was a silly thought indeed as hats couldn't be offended...she fell silent; finally content to get on with it. She'd presented her case. She just HAD to make sure the hat understood... "GRYFFINDOR!" "YES! YEEESSSSS!" Flinging the hat off, she jumped up and punched her small fist into the air...and also did a weird...victory dance right there in front of the stool and entire Hogwarts student population. Olivia, of course, didn't care one single bit. She'd just received her GOLDEN TICKET, basically.
GAH. SHE COULDN'T WAIT TO WRITE TO HER DADDY...and break the news to her mum. TEEHEHEHEH!
__________________ We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____