Stuck inside with Sirius | *Splish-Splash* | bamBAM | ☁ Spooktacular ☁
Sam shoved her hands in robe pockets as she waited for her turn, every now and then leaning out of the line to see what was going on up front. It was taking far too long to get to the tail end of the alphabet in her opinion, and all it did was impress her disappointment that the sorting only involved a hat. She already had one of those!
"Tyler, Samantha!"
She held back a scowl as she made her way up to the stool and the hat was dropped on to her short hair and promptly dropped over her eyes. Nobody called her Samantha, not even her Pa. And anyway, Sam much better suited the boy-ish appearance she had adopted.
And then she heard it; the hat was in her mind. It spoke almost immediately, and she fidgeted nervously. She didn't know where she might up, and didn't really mind either. Just to even be part of it was amazing.
"You've not had it easy,
But of this I am sure,
You'll soon start to thrive,
She gasped as she heard it shout out to the room, and not just in her mind. Ravenclaw? But that was where the clever people were! She stood as the hat was lifted off her head, and gave it a curious look.
Well, that was that then. With a shrug and a crooked grin she headed off to the blue table. Hopefully her new housemates wouldn't look down on her spelling too much.