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Old 01-02-2016, 10:05 PM   #30 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 29,830
♥Dunkin | Pixie's Precious Pea | kpop goddess | sneaky sounder | forever slytherin♥

This was the part that made him a bit nervous. Jaemin didn't much see the point in Sorting, because it was getting in the way of his exploring. But it was a necessary thing, and as the first years continued to be called in alphabetical order he fidgeted, playing with his own fingers as a cold ball of something icky started forming in his tummy.

This hat thing, his dad had told him, was going to get all up inside his head, pull everything apart, and use it to figure out what he was best suited to. And the houses... they were all supposed to be really different, but as he watched Hedgehog Holder (Julia, he tried to commit to memory. The sorting hat had called her Julia) head for the Ravenclaw table he couldn't help but wonder if that was really awfully true. Surely he and Hedgehog Holder had things in common? Surely she had things in common with the students heading to the Gryffindor table, and to the Slytherin table, and to the Puffleluff table.

How did it decide these things?

"Song, Jaemin."

His name sounded much nicer in that order. The small boy shuffled this way and that, through the crowd of remaining first years, his hand up in the air in an attempt to make sure they didn't move on thinking he had changed his mind about attending the school. He had a tendency to disappear in crowds. And high grass. Hopefully they mowed that massive front lawn regularly.

Nervously settling himself on the chair, feet dangling a bit off the floor because of the stool's legs, Jay closed his eyes, and the hat was settled on top of his head.

"I have a very tiny request, if that's okay," he whispered. The hat moved, and he could hear the soft grumbling of it; he scrunched up his nose, thinking very very hard about what it was. It was probably all very loud for the hat, considering...

"Alright, alright. Just this once," it said finally, and the small boy smiled and wiggled in place. The hat made a sound, as if clearing a throat it didn't have, and then it began - softly at first -

"There's bravery here, oh yes, it's true
But follows it comes caution too
Sure as your feet can't touch the floor
You'll never be in Gryffindor."

Jaemin swung his legs a bit more. One down... the voice grew a little louder, though he wasn't sure if it was just his because his ears were so close.

"You're a hard little worker,
dedicated, that too,
But your lack of patience?
Not Hufflepuff for you."

He was so totally patient! The most patient ever! Jaemin bit his lip, looking at the Puffleluff table. Not that one, either...

The hat's voice grew a bit more.

"And you're smart, my dear lad
have a bit of a wit
however, I fear,
Ravenclaw's not the fit."

Jay straightened up on the stool, eyes moving to the Ravenclaw table where Hedgehog Holder was sitting. Not that one either. Which meant...

"The ambition, my boy
Little dear, Song Jaemin
You, clever young child
Belong to Slytherin!"

He popped up off the stool in excitement almost immediately, whispering a quiet thank you to the hat that probably went unheard. For a moment, after he took it off, he looked it it pensively; the thing shifted in his hands, then grumbled at him again.

"I'm not sorting your hedgehog. Off with you."

He grinned, handing the hat off carefully to one who had placed it on his head, and took off toward the green table.
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